How to organise your business so you never get lost

by Farah Cuyvers

How to organise your business so you never get lost…

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When you are working on your business you need order in the chaos because it will save you not only time but also give you peace of mind!

With an organised laptop and phone you save valuable time as you don’t have to look for hours for that exact document or specific photo you need. You know exactly where everything is and it also prevents you from losing important documents.

You need order in the chaos!

But how to organise your business in an effective way and not less important… how to keep up with it long-term! Let’s do this!

Start by creating folders on your laptop with a good structure. Here you find a ‘file organization cheat sheet’ that you can use as a reference to setup your basic structure. 

Create the folders you need that are on the cheat sheet in google drive or icloud. Declutter your laptop by deleting or archiving all files that you don’t use anymore. 

Once you organised your laptop, make sure you back up all your files. I personally like to back up all my files on an external hard drive and on a digital drive like ‘MEGA’. This way you have all your files 3 times so it’s almost impossible to lose your valuable documents.

Stay on top of your game & in control!

Tips to keep your business organised LONG-TERM

So you’ve organised everything… but how do you avoid that it’s all messed up again in a blink of an eye? You know how it goes… when you are working on something, you just randomly store it on your desktop and think “oh I’ll organise it later”, and then you never do it and it’s all messy again.

  • The ‘files to organise’ folder
    As you see on your ‘file organization cheat sheet’, there is one folder in the miscellaneous section that says ‘files to organize’. Of course I recommend to story everything correctly immediately but we all know how life is sometimes… and it’s fully understandable. So that’s what this folder is for. 
  • Monthly organisation day
    Choose one specific day where you decide to make time to organise everything. For me this is every 1st day of the month as I do my organisation, administration and accounting all on one day. As you do it monthly you keep up with it and it really doesn’t take much time. This is also when you organise your ‘files to organise’ folder.

Those are my simple tips to organise your business so you never get lost. Even though it doesn’t seem that important but a good organisation of all your files, documents, folders,… can really save you so much time! By having an organisation day you literally make time to save time so it is absolutely worth it. Make sure you don’t skip it!

If you have a different way or more ideas to organise your business, please let me know in the comments below! I always love to learn more.

Lots of love & good luck!



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